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Equipment Review: Full Spectrum Light By Apparitions Technologies used on Haunting: Australia

This review was done last year, but due to the equipment being used on Haunting: Australia we decided to bring it out of the archives and repost it.

Buying new equipment in the paranormal field without trying it first or having good reviews is an a good way to end up wasting a lot of hard earned money. Buying new gadgets that cost a lot of money that result in little to no positive results can make anyone not want to buy additional products.

Until now most investigators will tell you they use a certain brand of lights, and that's it. It's true lights in the paranormal field can be very expensive with little to no running time, some requiring more time to charge than actual running time. The cost of batteries can be a real drain on any teams budget, especially when some lights only run for a few hours and require a slew of batteries to power them.

The range is also very important when doing paranormal investigations. The ability to see all the way down the hallway instead of ten feet down the hallway can be the difference in catching what may be great evidence or none at all.

Well, what kind of light to buy? There's so many in the market. U/V, I/R, White light, Full Spectrum and the list goes on and on. What if you're looking for a combination of these? Well, one can always make a custom light, but that requires parts, time and know-how to do so.

This is where the IR/UV Floodlight from comes in. This gem is packing 15 total 10 mm LEDS. With 8 10 mm I/R LEDS and 7 10 mm U/V LEDS, this Floodlight eliminates the question of which kind of light to buy.

Unlike other lights that are just on and off, this beauty has a Hi-Lo switch. Taking it on several investigations this feature came in handy inside some if the largest buildings. Usually, I use the same lights as everyone else does, but after the field test and longer battery running time than stated, I will be switching. The light states 4+ hours, I was easily able to get 7 hours and still have battery life left.

For the price versus the major brand of the paranormal field, I think I've found my new favorite toy.

Update: I still own this light, and still use it on every case. I love this lite, built well and the batteries last a long time. I'm sure the guys on Haunting Australia will admit that the equipment made by Apparitions Technologies is pretty darn good.

To purchase this I/R U/V Floodlight and other products, visit Apparations Technologies

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