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Equipment? Please

Paranormal Television shows, what is your deal? Seems you are more focused on that latest piece of equipment that has come out, or have developed yourselves and are looking to market. Some teams will only buy the equipment that has been used on paranormal television, so it must be working. Everyone needs to remember that most equipment developed for investigations are based on assumptions, not fact. Teams out there are all about the newest piece of gear and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as you’re using it to help the person that needs answers.

Focus on the task at hand, what's the reason you're there? Is it to help someone or trying to figure out how that new camera/meter/whatever it is, works. If that's the case, save it for a nonresidential case. All those flashing lights or new equipment is great but know the ins and outs of it before you go to a location. This is so you can focus on the issue that has brought you there in the first place. If you’re on location for 4 hours and spend 3 of those hours trying to figure out that new meter/light up gadget, you are missing the reason on why you are really there. That is neither the time nor place to be figuring that out. Realistically, all that should be done prior to your arrival on location. You do no service to someone who believes they are afflicted by the supernatural by not being prepared. I have never been so fed up with the way things seem to be with the paranormal. Can we please get this right?

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